What Is Anxiety?
Generally speaking,
anxiety is a disorder that instigates fear, worry, apprehension, and
nervousness. You can’t sleep, can’t concentrate
at work, and can’t even enjoy life with friends because you’re worried about Exam,
Future, work, debt and/or your marital status People can be in a general state
of worry when they face a challenge. This is normal. It becomes a concern when
the worry interferes with your sleep or daily activities. Anxiety occurs when
your reaction is out of proportion to what is usually expected when you face a
situation. Anxiety is nothing but a state of mind disturbance or
fear where the cause is often unidentified. Although mild anxiety is very normal
but it can be damaging in its advance levels. Due to anxiety your
body and mind goes extreme state of stress Stress, fear, anxiety if we
start counting all those instances in life when we experienced these emotions,
we may just lose count! Anxiety about an exam result or the reaction of our
parents to the report card; nervousness about the first date or a job interview
– we all would have lived through these moments. A little bit of fear is
normal; in fact, just like salt in the food, it is needed so that we remain
disciplined, focused and dynamic.The problem starts when this fear becomes
persistent and so intimidating as to start interfering with our everyday life.
Then it becomes an anxiety disorder – a state of excessive uneasiness, worry,
or fear of the unknown, which needs to be treated – and this is where yoga can help.
of an anxiety disorder:
1.You feel unusually panic, scared and uneasy.
2.Excessive Worrying
3.You tend to get uncontrolled, obsessive thoughts of past
traumatic experiences.
4.You wake up from frequent nightmares.
5.You tend to repeatedly wash your hands.
6.You have problems sleeping.
7.Your hands and feet stay unusually sweaty.
8.You get frequent palpitations.
How yoga can help in Anxiety?
Yoga, pranayama and
meditation are three powerful tools that are used for reduction and prevention
of state of anxiety,Yoga
and pranayama and meditation play an important role in your life to become
healthy. Yoga brings
stability, calms the mind, improve blood circulation and cure depression stress
and anxiety. these exercises grow the mental power of
self-belief, strength of mind, attentiveness, determination, and tolerance. And
when all three are practiced together they will create an even stronger effect
on relaxing the mind and sentiment. The breath also plays an important
role in several cases of excess anxiety. To control anxiety due to breathing
pranayama is best option, pranayama is a yogic breathing exercises. With the
help of this the nervous system is naturally calmed and quieten. With a regular
practice one can understand how to intentionally maintain a slow and calm
breath every times to stop or control extreme states of anxiety. Sit Cari and
Shitali pranayamas are helpful in case of anxiety due to breathing.
The mind plays an important role in case of long-term anxiety. Yoga and meditation permit us to have rule over our feelings through mental disconnection and the capability to focus the mind on the present experience.
The mind plays an important role in case of long-term anxiety. Yoga and meditation permit us to have rule over our feelings through mental disconnection and the capability to focus the mind on the present experience.
yoga postures
yoga postures can help achieve a happy and healthy mind and body. Asanas help
release tension and negativity from the system.
1.Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
2.Matsyasana (Fish Pose)
3.Janu Shirsasana (One-Legged Forward Bend)
4.Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
(Cat Stretch)
6.Paschimottanasana (Two-Legged Forward Bend)
7.Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend)
8.Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog)
9.Sirsasana (Headstand)
10.Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
Do these yoga pose daily for stability, calms the mind, improve blood circulation and cure depression stress and anxiety
Other way to relax in life?
Spend time with good people.
2. Laughter is the medicine of life.
3. Important to make room for relaxation.
4. Accept Stress and take it positively.
5. Relax your body by pranayama breathing techniques
2. Laughter is the medicine of life.
3. Important to make room for relaxation.
4. Accept Stress and take it positively.
5. Relax your body by pranayama breathing techniques
6. Have a healthy diet, avoid excessive caffeine, eat fresh fruits and
vegetables, drink more water.
6. Running jogging, walking in the park, swimming, cycling,
6. Running jogging, walking in the park, swimming, cycling,
7. Think positively.
8. Spend time with positive people and avoid negative thinkers.
9.Think always logically when you are stressed.
10.Do meditation daily in a quiet place.
8. Spend time with positive people and avoid negative thinkers.
9.Think always logically when you are stressed.
10.Do meditation daily in a quiet place.
11.Stop feeling guilty or do not blame.
12.Each person has different expectations and priorities. Expecting more from life, let you unsatisfied.
13. Take care of things before they become a big problem.
Hope this may help you, do it under guidance of good teacher hope you find good teacher for Yoga for anxiety in X town
12.Each person has different expectations and priorities. Expecting more from life, let you unsatisfied.
13. Take care of things before they become a big problem.
Hope this may help you, do it under guidance of good teacher hope you find good teacher for Yoga for anxiety in X town
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